Saturday, November 19, 2011

List of Themes in Persepolis

List gathered on 11/15/11.

  1. The suppression of women through Islamic fundamentalism
  2. Endurance of the human spirit
  3. The fragility of faith during crises
  4. Influence of socialist ideas
And here's an unabridged list of the guy's themes (some are repetitive/were rejected):

  1. Marjorie's glorification of her personal beliefs
  2. The effects of oppression on individuality
  3. The deleterious effects on family structure
  4. The impact of suppression on the social milieu
  5. The suppression of women in a patriarchal society
  6. The conflict of fundamentalist vs. Western ideals
  7. Loss of faith
  8. Degradation of morale through difficult times
  9. The power of conformity (vague)
  10. Loss of innocence (vague)
  11. The effects of a cultural revolution on the youth generation (weirdly worded)
  12. The manipulation of the majority by the media (weirdly worded)
  13. The use of euphemism to protect the innocence of children (weirdly worded)
  14. The loss of freedom in a totalitarian society
  15. The impressionable nature of children (vague)
  16. Glorification of leaders (vague)
  17. The struggle between traditional and modern ideals (repeated)
  18. Man vs. Society
  19. The importance of family through crises (repeated)
  20. The oppressive power of the government (repeated)
  21. Man's dependence on a higher being/entity
  22. The manipulation of government (vague)

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